Friday, February 15, 2008

BFF: Caitlin and Mia?

Although all four women seem, more and more, to be close friends, Mia and Caitlin definitely seem to have a closer bond than the others. It's very Carrie/Miranda, which makes sense if you've watched both shows. Mia and Caitlin are the closest corollaries for Carrie and Miranda.

Feb 13's episode had the two of them commiserating over sushi, retrieving Mia's sex tape, and shopping for baby items.

I'm not sure who's apartment that is, although I'll hazard a guess and say Mia's. It's clean and neat, whereas, I'd expect Caitlin's apartment to be messier and less...white. I thought it was cute how they were bonding over sushi and sake in little cups.

At first, I was going to be in a huff about how Lucy Liu is Chinese, and her character is eating Japanese food, but then I realized, hey, I'm Chinese, and I eat sushi ALL THE TIME. Sometimes living in a politically correct society can blind you to how life really works. On a side note, I think the Asian American community should be pretty happy with how Cashmere Mafia is making the Lucy Liu character. They flirt with the stereotypes (pushy parents setting Mia up with a nice Asian doctor) but don't focus on the Asian-ness of the character. She's just Mia, which I think is great.

Anyway, in this scene, Mia and Caitlin complain, respectively, about Jack and Alisha. This is also when Mia sees her scarf on TV. They have a great chemistry here, and I can actually believe that they're friends, unlike the other women sometimes.
In another scene, Mia asks Caitlin to go with her to Jack's apartment so she can take back her scarf and the misplaced sex tape. I'll be honest. I didn't take the screenshots so we could get a sense of the plot, but rather so we could get a sense of their (usually) fab outfits! Mia looks chic as always, but Caitlin looks a little offbeat here. It's cute, but just...different.

I wonder how both of them have so much time to just be traisping around New York all day. This reminds me again of Sex and the City, where the characters seemed to have all the time in the world to have long coffee talks and shopping trips and nighttime outings to whatever hotspot was hottest that week. Oh well. Wish fulfillment is always nice.

The last scene with only Mia and Caitlin is when Caitlin is looking at items in a baby store, while trying to decide if she's ready to be a mother. I just noticed that Mia is wearing a picnic blanket and that Caitlin's shoes came from the 1980's costume prop bin. Nonetheless, the scene was pretty cute, with Mia protesting at first against the shopping, saying that they should be figuring out if Caitlin's ready to be a mom first, and then realizing that the baby shopping was helping Caitlin figure it out in her own way.

I think the Mia/Caitlin relationship works because they're both the lighter, fluffier characters. By that, I don't mean there's no substance in their character development, but their problems are less heavy than those of Zoe and Juliet. Juliet is facing a very uncivil divorce with a husband who cheated on her and risked the financial stability of her and her unhappy teenage daughter. Zoe is trying to balance taking care of her household with working in a sexist work environment.

On the other hand, Mia doesn't have a stead boyfriend (so sad) and Caitlin might be a lesbian. While, yeah, their problems still do suck, it's nothing compared to Zoe and Juliet, probably because Mia and Caitlin are still single and thus fairly obligation-free.

Also, their characters seem younger and less serious, so it makes sense that they would bond. They're similar enough to be friends, and different enough to remain good friends.

For this episode's Mia summary, click here.
For this episode's Caitlin summary, click here.
For the complete episode summary, click here.

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