Thursday, February 14, 2008

MIA SUMMARY: February 13, 2008

This episode, for Mia, was all about Jack. Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, scarf, Jack. The episode starts with Mia receiving worried calls from the three other women, and then a special muffin from her assistant. Everyone is asking how she's feeling. Why?

In her hand is a copy of a trade magazine with the news that Jack, her former fiance, has now been named Publisher of a competing magazine. Gasp! Even worse, she sees Jack's new girlfriend, a TV anchorwoman wearing a scarf that Mia accidentally left at Jack's apartment. That harlot!

Not to worry though. Mia has, sort of, moved on. After all, she does have the Asian surgeon she's dating and, as Zoe reminds us, the "manny" that she made out with last episode. One thing she doesn't have, and would like back, though, is the sex tape she and Jack made. Tres risque!

We find out about this during a coffee date with all four women, all of whom have apparently made sex tapes, with the exception of our favorite maybe-lesbian. Naturally, Zoe and Eric taped over theirs with a birthing, and Juliet only engaged in "groping" in hers, while always making sure she had on sunglasses. This discussion sparked one of my favorite lines from the episode, Caitlin's "Has everyone at this table made a sex tape but me?"

Determined to get her tape back, Mia meets up with Jack, who reminds her that she herself hid the DVD somewhere in the apartment, and OK's it for her to come over and take it back. So she and Caitlin go over to find it, taking one of their many duo walks.

If I were going to search my ex-fiance's apartment (that I used to live in) for a sex tape we had made while still in love, all the while assuming that chances are big that I might run into him or his new girlfriend whom I despise, I would dress up too. And wear heels.

Anywho, at the apartment, they both find a DVD in the hiding space. So what's the other DVD of? Apparently, an achingly cute birthday movie of Jack surprising Mia with a cake and song.

The singing? Cute. The amateurish camera angles? Cute. The birthday cupcake? OK, we get it. It's cute. We feel the cuteness. The cuteness is seething out of the screen and into our livers.

Just as we're about to bowl over with cuteness, there's a knock on the door. Of course, it's not the cute guy who've we've almost forgiven (he kept the video! he must be a sweetie!), it's the bitchy new girl he's dating.

I love how Cashmere Mafia makes these distinct delineations between good and bad. Maybe it's just because it's the start of the show, but you there are few characters that don't fall into the Good Camp (our girls, Zoe's entire family, Juliet's daughter, um, other people?) or the Bad Camp (all other women and especially all men). Jack's new girlfriend is definitely not in the Good Camp and she shows up wearing Mia's scarf.

The two have a verbal tiff, and the new girl says "Aww, you just can't admit that Jack's moved on." Mia replies, with typical CM bite, "And you just can't admit that you're the rebound girl. Enjoy the bounce."

So the sex tape is back in Mia's hands. But a few days(?) later, lo and behold, but who shows up at Mia's door (while she is shredding the Alexander McQueen scarf no less)? We have, as Caitlin would put it, a "Jackback" (Jack flashback). Talk talk talk, for about thirty second really, and then...

Kiss! For a few minutes, the fans are allowed to hope that all is well between Mia and Jack again, but he wouldn't be her Mr. Big if they just up and got married right then would they? Of course, because this is television, kissing necessarily leads to a fun romp in the bedroom, giving us this scene after commercial break.

Does this look like the cover of a romance novel to anyone else? Or maybe a DeBeers ad. They look so perfect and happy, so of course it all must be ruined within minutes of waking up, when Jack makes some comment about how great it is that they both have good jobs and thus can be together again, to which Mia, naturally takes offense.

Why'd you do that, Jack? It was going so well! You were getting all cutesy with the dialogue: "I made a huge mistake, and I want to start over....Hi, I'm Jack. Can I buy you a drink?" She was laughing. You were cuddling. It was blazingly cute. But then of course, you had to talk about your inferiority complex and then she was gone (again).

"Life is full of ups and downs. I can't be with someone who's feelings depend on what their resume says." Said Mia, in a pretty cute purple with black lace nightie. She gets out the box with what we assume is the engagement ring and tells him, "I kept this hoping you'd change your mind. But now I've changed mine."

Aaaaaand, cut. That's all we hear from Mia for the episode. Basically, she saw her scarf on TV, went to retrieve it and her sex tape from Jack, fell for Jack again, slept with him, then realized she couldn't deal with his insecurities. Is she over him? Is he over her? Will they keep doing this dance ad infinitum, a la Carrie and Mr. Big?

Only time (and a contract for more seasons!) will tell.

For more on the Mia/Caitlin friendship, click here.
For a summary of the whole ep: click here.

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