Thursday, February 14, 2008

JULIET SUMMARY: February 13, 2008

Can we nominate Davis for Worst TV Husband already? Not only did her cheat on Juliet multiple times, but he also dipped into their mutual account and lost gobs of money for both of them. And now he's trying to get rich off of Juliet's hard work? Puh-leeze! That guy has got to go!

[Although the actor that plays him is pretty good-looking. He was "The Hair" in the episode "The Head and the Hair" of 30 Rock. His role was to play a good-looking guy. Yeah.]

In this ep, Juliet and Davis started divorce negotiations, Davis with the lawyer we saw last episode and Juliet with a new, tough female lawyer. Julietwants the apartment, plus all the money she earned, although Davis's money will stay with him. Davis wants the apartment, all the money he earned and "manimony," a monthly stipend from Juliet, which his lawyer says he deserves because he made career sacrifices so that her career could thrive. Juliet and Davis start throwing around some less-than-civil comments, and they leave with nothing resolved. Davis retaliates by moving things out of their apartment.

If you look closely, you can see the moving van behind Juliet. Davis tells her what he's doing while this nice old lady watches on. When the woman approaches Juliet, Juliet thanks her, assuming she's trying to offer some concern. But instead, the woman says "That's just not how we do things on 5th Avenue."

The next day at her office, Juliet gets some surprising news about Davis. At first she assumes he did something again, but it turns out to be worse.

Davis had been rushed to the hospital with symptoms of a heart attack. Juliet races there (why?) only to find her old friend, Cilla Grey, the classic Other Woman. Apparently, Cilla had been with Davis when he had the heart attack. It's implied that they were having sex when it happened. Juliet is cold toward Cilla, naturally, but Cilla tries to give her some words of advice about divorce, as Cilla has herself been through the process.

She tells Juliet that it's actually nice "on the other side." You get back all those things you lost while you were married. Plus, contrary to popular opinion, there are plenty of men for women their age. In fact, they're everywhere! To which Juliet just replies "They're married." And Cilla says some chilling words: "Wait till you're on the other side, honey. Really. I think you're going to like it here.

After that confrontation, Juliet goes to Davis's hospital room, where he repents for everything he's done and says that he doesn't like how things have been going. He also wants her to have the apartment and the car. Just then, the doctor comes in and informs Davis that he had actually only suffered a panic attack, with symptoms that greatly mimicked a heart attack.

The next day, Juliet goes to her office as usual, only to be served with an eviction notice. Apparently, Davis wants the apartment back, unlike what he had said the night before.

She goes to confront him, and he tells her that obviously he wasn't in the clearest mental state the night before and accuses her of trying to use his sickness for her own benefit. The apartment's in his name, and he wants it back.

In retaliation, Juliet reports the car (her car, technically) stolen, and Davis has to watch it being towed away in front of him.

So, basically, no one's happy. Neither of them have won yet, and there seems to be a long road ahead of them. Also, where's the daughter? I thought she was going to check out public schools, not run away to boarding school and never be seen again, a la the older daughter of Celia's family on Weeds.

I'm not sure how I feel about Cilla's role in this episode. On one hand, she's still the woman that finally broke up the marriage, and she refuses to apologize. On the other hand, she gave some words of encouragement to Juliet. But I'd still place her on the Bad side of the line, at least until we get further character development.
For the complete episode summary, click here.

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